Saturday, December 24, 2005


Will be away for Christmas & New Year's.
Maybe I'll post, maybe I won't.
Hope you all have a great holiday.
Posting to resume first week of January.

In case anyone was wondering, my kitten does love the Christmas tree (and no, he's not allowed to go in it.)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Welcome Home, Dylan

Julie has a son!

5 things

Ok, so like Cat, I don't really get the whole "telling you all something about me" thing since this is all about me already, but in the spirit of participation, here are 5 things you (probably) didn't know about me:

  1. I used to hate Christmas.* Growing up was crap and it was always a fight about which house I was going to be at and for how long and someone was always upset/disappointed and I ended up resenting all holidays. Christmas music makes me cringe and is not tolerated at home (P is really enjoying his new iPod!) I can't stand opening up presents in front of people because I'm always worried about my response. Now I don't hate Christmas, but it's still stressful because P and I each have family many miles away from us and each other. It's expensive and someone will always miss out. And I still have a hard time getting presents.
  2. I was born with birth defects (that were easily corrected when I was a baby) because of an anti-nausea drug my mom was prescribed (not thalidomide.) The drug has since come off the market.
  3. We have investments, but I don't understand them. I'm in charge of all the rest of our household finances (and I'm good at it,) but for some reason, the investing thing just won't sink into my brain.
  4. I like to think that I don't give a damn about not having many friends here, but when I'm completely honest with myself, I know that I do care. I've never been the kind who has lots of friends, just a few close ones. Unfortunately, my good friends all live in different states now. The phone is awesome, but I miss them all.
  5. I'm considering applying to a master's program when we move, but I don't know what to study. I honestly don't know what I want to do "when I grow up." I've always wanted to spend at least the first couple years at home with my children (haha) and the last three years have really crapped on that plan. So I'm feeling like I need to decide on something and do it, but I can't make up my mind.
So there are 5 things about me. I don't mind being tagged, but I'm quite sure I don't run fast enough to catch anyone else. If you want to participate, please do.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Um, nevermind.

I guess that was a bust! It'll be a while before I beg for comments again!

Thanks, Liv!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Please, please, leave a comment on this one, it's fun!

I saw this on Dramalish's blog, and since I answered, I'm supposed to do it on my own blog. So I am. But it's FUN! So please participate, even if you're usually prefer to lurk.



"If you read this, if your eyes are passing over this right now, even if we don't speak often, please post a comment with a COMPLETELY MADE UP AND FICTIONAL MEMORY OF YOU AND ME.

It can be anything you want--good or bad--BUT IT HAS TO BE FAKE.

When you're finished, post this paragraph on your blog and be surprised (or mortified) about what people DON'T ACTUALLY remember about you."

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Lost is a repeat again.


and they're back up again!

I'm pretty sure my links are fixed now. Sorry.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

pants down!

Hey! How come nobody told me half my links were broken?

Part 2 (Strange Fruit series)

If you saw this in the produce bins at the grocery store, would you buy it?

This is called a rambutan. It's a little bit bigger than a golf ball, and it has hairy-looking tentacles protruding from a pretty red raspberry-like skin. The tentacles are softer than they appear, but I was pretty much operating on the assumption that there was a solid skin that wasn't meant for eating. I didn't do any research on this beforehand (but if I did, I'd see that there's a pretty easy way to eat it!) because I wanted to be surprised by the inside like I was with the dragonfruit.

I began to slice the fruit in half and I could feel the skin coming away from the inside. The center was a solid white ball that looked like an egg. It was smooth and only slightly grainy. The smooth fiber had an almost silky feel to it.

Next problem: how the heck do I eat this thing?

I have to admit, I was not totally sold on eating this thing (in fact, P thought I was nuts. Still does!)

But I'm not afraid of fruit! I can do it! I'll put it in my blog!

I removed the white center from the scary skin. I was going to tell you that I licked the white ball but I won't because that sounds like another, much dirtier, story. So, having tasted the outside with my tongue (not willing to commit to a bite) I determined that this would not, in fact, kill me and I could actually eat some and not die. It was mostly sweet and just a tiny bit sour. I scraped my teeth against the surface. It felt like a tough gelatinous ball. I took a tiny bite because I am a big wuss because I didn't want to overwhelm my taste buds, and I wasn't that impressed. It was sweet, but not very flavorful. It wasn't especially appealing, but not exactly bad either.

I didn't finish it, but if I did, I would have found a seed in the center (glad I didn't put it all in my mouth and start chewing!) I won't be buying any more rambutan(s?) but I'm glad I gave it a try.

So there you have it.

Strange fruit:2 Twirl:0

Saturday, December 03, 2005

You don't leave.

I have to get out of this place. I can't seem to shake the feelings, the emotions, that are wrecking me here. We went to P's family for Thanksgiving, and it was great. I felt like my old self. Happy enough, good enough. Still sad I can't get pregnant? Sure. Looking forward to NewCity? Absolutely. But there was none of the desperation and hopelessness that I feel here (um, depressed, much?*) I didn't even realize it at first. We were focused on other people (someone has a rare and deadly cancer, but P wouldn't like me to write more about it here.)

CANCER didn't depress me but this place does.

We put in a new vinyl tile (stone) floor** for P's parents' Christmas gift (HGTV is a blessing and a curse. Ideas! Improvements! All at your local Home Depot!) and it looked awesome. I had sore knees, an aching back, and I ate more food there than I ever would at home, but I felt
good. P and I felt connected again. It sounds dumb, but we were happy. Together. I liked him and he liked me.

Sometimes I feel like I want to run away. I love P. I'm glad I'm married to him. I's ME that I want to get away from.

I don't even remember where I heard this now, but there was this really old man who had been married for 70 years or something and someone asked him the key to having such a long successful marriage. His answer? You don't leave. How perfectly simple. You just don't leave.

I need to do my best to remember that this is all temporary. It will all end. I know things won't be perfect just because we move (I'm no moving virg.n!) but I do know that sometimes scenery can be very important. A fresh start is at the end of my rainbow. I just need to make it there. And I'm pretty sure I will... by staying.

*Please, no info on depression or suggestions for meds/therapy. Thanks.

**Anyone considering this for their own home, and are not convinced, let me know. I have amazing before and after pictures!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

It's just not always my turn

Image hosted by

You never know who you're going to have to share the computer with.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

stupid freakin' body

In all the time I've been off birth control (and heck, even when I was on it) I've never had mid-cycle spotting. Ever. I've been charting for the last couple years with different amounts of dedication, but I'm really sure on the start dates for each cycle. So yesterday, I noticed a very light pink spotting that's unlike my pre/post period spotting. Today, I have even more light pink spotting. But still not with that "super fertile" cervical fluid that's supposed to get you knocked up like a drunk sixteen year old in the back of her boyfriend's pickup truck "on her very first time." Gah.

Oh, and P hasn't been interested in sex in days.

I was lamenting my problem last night during my newfound insomnia. One of the big problems that IF couples and TTC couples seem to face has to do with the sex-on-demand thing. It occurred to me that we've never really had that problem. And why not? Is it because we're both so hot for each other that timing is irrelevant? Is it because P is freakishly involved and takes my temperature each morning and record it on my chart and pay attention to when it's show time? Is P so dense that he hasn't caught on to my clever seduction techniques that come out at regular intervals? Nope. Not really.

It's that in the beginning I decided that I didn't want to pressure P to ever have sex just for this when he didn't feel like it. So I never have. This has worked for us fairly well. He knows I don't see him as a giant sperm factory and so he hasn't come to resent the process of baby-making (infertility and treatment aside.) I know that there have been times that there was virtually no chance of a spontaneous pregnancy (again, IF aside) because of crappy sex timing. It bums me out sometimes, but I think it's the best thing for our marriage.

So here I am. Stupid spotting, stupid strange crampy feeling, stupid uninterested husband, stupid burned tongue from dinner.

Shocking that I can't get laid.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

hmmm... what else?

1. I've started to create links. I'm not done. I got bored, so I'm only doing a couple at a time. There will be more.

2. I really like that this picture is on my yahoo front page
P really, really, REALLY wants a golden puppy. I want a puppy in theory. I like to look at puppies. I think it would be great for a kid (haha) to grow up with a dog. I don't really want to clean up their messes (the dog, I'm on board with kid messes.) I've been able to put him off so far with "after we move," but now that moving is in a matter of months and not just theoretical, I may be in trouble.

3. I have a story about P and "The Power of the Penis" that was really funny but I'm having a difficult time translating it into a blog post. I'm also a little nervous about posting something to do with sex.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It hasn't been my day, my month, or even my year, BUT...

... finally, after months of waiting, my Friends are here for me!

(also, my obsessive need for order has been satisfied by having the complete set.)

With Love,
Princess Consuela Bananahammock

Monday, November 14, 2005

ok, that's just scary

I copied this from Julie and I have to say, I'm a little frightened by my results (she's a freakin' professor and I'm a demon? Check out my wicked claws!)

Your Monster Profile

Psychotic Demon

You Feast On: Power Bars

You Lurk Around In: The Empire State Building

You Especially Like to Torment: Groupies

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

dream blogger

Last night, as I thrashed about trying to fall asleep, I composed a brilliant and insightful post in my head. I knew I should write something down so I'd remember, but I (foolishly) thought that If I could just remember part of it, the rest would come together.

I remember "nesting dolls."

It'll probably come to me when I'm driving.


1. cramps. painful, inconvenient, bastard cramps. ute likely falling out.
2. must purchase appropriate footwear for P's work party. have little extra money and hate shopping for uncomfortable shoes. will go tomorrow instead due to #1.
3. low on f'in tampons. hope supply lasts until tomorrow because leaving the house today=no.
4. must locate specific belt for lazy husband.
5. husband pissing me off, though he hasn't exactly done anything.
6. mustard container won't squeeze out mustard. tried to fix container. mustard covering shirt.
7. oh good. tampon leaked. fuck. must clean bathroom floor and panties. massacre.
8. panties and mustard shirt to laundry.
9. husband comes home early. sight of him is annoying. not his fault, but calling me cranky when I clearly AM cranky not his most brilliant move ever.
10. husband points out tear in favorite sheets. not fixable. kitten notices tear and plays inside.
11. kitten wrecked the underside of the box spring. box spring now has holes. is obnoxious to listen to as he abandons tear in sheet to climb into the bed.
12. SuperTwirl lifts mattress, box spring off frame to remove kitten. kitten proves elusive and evades CrampingTwirl.
13. trick kitten into leaving bedroom and lock him out.
14. husband enters bedroom, allowing kitten to reenter.
15. pretend not to notice.
16. cry.
17. curl up in discarded covers on floor and take long nap.
18. wake up when husband takes picture of Twirl with GoodKitty sleeping on floor next to disassembled bed.
19. pretend not to and go back to sleep.
20. wake up for real and remove filmy lining from underside of box spring. decide to fix another time.
21. put bed back together.
22. remove clothes from dryer an put away.
23. dishes still not clean, husband reading magazine. martyr self and do dishes in pain.
24. sit at computer and pout. do NOT make dinner.
25. watch tv.
26. have tea for dinner at 8:30. popsicle at 9. don't care about nutritional content.
27. go to bed with husband.
28. do not hurt husband when he hugs and says, "why didn't you let me be nice to you today?" because fighting sucks and sleeping is better and the hug is really the best part of the whole bastard day.
29. being in the middle of a husband-wife-kitty sandwich doesn't always suck.

Friday, November 04, 2005

I was right.


Apparently my
infertile radar is in good working order and she is indeed pregnant. I am really happy for them. Really. But I'm sad for me.

Is it my turn yet? Soon?

There's another big work party next week and I'm really not looking forward to it. We're the only ones without kids and I'm due to start my period just then. Ahhh, painkillers and wine. Cheers!

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Links for the over-thinkers

I was thinking it would be nice to add a few links to my sidebar. I know that when I go blog-reading, I have a few "regulars" but I also like to go from blog to blog with no plan and see who I meet out there. So in the interest of fairness, I feel as though I ought to participate in the great blog link.

But who do I choose? There are so many great blogs to read, and I don't want my list to go on forever. I don't think I want the "standard" list with all the same people on it because that's just boring. I also like to read about a variety of things. I enjoy the IF/adoption blogs, but recently I've become a fan of teacher blogs (more on that in another post.)

How did you choose who to link to?

Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

P and I have started a pumpkin patch tradition, which we take very seriously. It's important to select just the right pumpkin. He (for some reason, they're all masculine) must not be too wrinkly or have any signs of insect infestation. He must be of adequate size (what is it with guys and their need to find the biggest pumpkin out there? Is it a penis thing?) and appropriately shaped. He must have a decent "hat" that includes a carry handle (because you have to walk waaaaayyy out there to get a decent one when you wait too long!)

At least it wasn't raining when we went this year so we weren't all muddy.

This year I got a carving kit because I threw out all of my old steak knives and didn't want to use the ones we eat with. Anyway, we each selected a pattern from the accompanying book and got to work. P had a hard time and was quickly frustrated. He tossed his pattern aside (twice) before deciding to freehand his. We'll just not talk about how his came out. I think it made him cranky. Mine came out great! I modified the pattern and it took me forever, but when I was done I couldn't stop staring at my kitty! I almost don't want to put it outside because I'm so happy about it! The cats were intrigued with the process, and my little piglet wanted to taste the pumpkin guts.

Speaking of my little piglet...

He did get treats for dressing up. It's only fair.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

why yes, I DO spend too much time watching TV!

I'm feeling cranky about TV in general. First of all, I'm tired of crying because I see something "sad" even though I know it's NOT REAL. It doesn't seem to matter what type of program it is. Crime, drama, sitcom, documentary... "Oh, the poor czar lost his parents and then his beloved wife died and he became Ivan the Terrible who killed lots of people? How sad for him that his wife died. " Seriously.

Second, some of "my" shows really need to pick things up.

Gilmore Girls...
they need to get those two talking again. The show just sucks like this. Also, no way would Rory have dropped out of Yale. I don't like what they're doing to her character, especially last season. Anyone else bummed that they didn't get to do their "21 things" plan? I miss my mommy.

Hello, Lost...? Twirl here. Reruns suck. Reruns at the start of the season especially suck. I understand that they wanted to put the next episode on during sweeps, but still... grr. If someone's going to die, and the spoilers certainly indicate that someone will, then let's get to it! The show loses something if the momentum dies down.

I do not watch you anymore, and I'm HAPPY! You hear that? I'm completely CSI-free! (I still love Without a Trace and Cold Case though.) Not a complaint, really, but given that P still watches, I'll toss it out there that David Caruso's speech pattern just bugs the heck out of me.

Not a complaint, just a comment: I could totally feel for Sandra Oh's character (Grey's Anatomy) when she finally broke down and cried, "Somebody sedate me!" I wanted to help her, hug her, hook her up with an injection, and cry with her.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Today I'm feeling:

1) anxious. We move in 6 months. I'm not worried about the things we actually need to do, because that's the easy part. I'm worried about selling our house, how long it will or won't take, where we'll live after the house sells but before we move, and where we'll live when we get to NewCity. How hard is it going to be to sneak the kitties in/out of hotels? (there are no pet-friendly hotels here.) You can never have too many things to feel anxious about.

impatient. I want to move. NOW. I'm ready to see a new doctor and actually work towards getting pregnant (how cynical is that? I don't consider sex or metformin helpful at all!) I want to do something new. I can hardly believe I stopped at the clinic here almost a year ago. I want to feel confident about my care/treatment again and I want my hope back!

concerned. Someone I care about has been diagnosed with a rare and progressive cancer. If the diagnosis stands, the prognosis is not good. Second opinion at MajorCancerCenter is next week. Numb.

disconnected. My mom is getting married soon. I don't know exactly when, but soon. It sucks that I'm not there. I want to go with her to pick out a dress. I want to help her plan, admire the ring, and generally feel like I'm a part of the family again. I started crying during Gilmore Girls when I realized that there would be things I thought I'd do with my mom that I can't.

On the menu tomorrow: TV rant.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Copy, Paste, Answer, Add one of your own

Have you ever...

1. smoked a cigar - no

2. crashed a friend's car - no
3. stolen a car - no
4. been in love - yes
5. been dumped - yes
6. dumped someone - yes
7. taken shots of alcohol - yes
8. been fired - yes
9. been in a fist fight - no
10. snuck out of a/your house - no
11. had feelings for someone who didn't have them back- yes
12. been arrested - no
13. made out with a stranger - yes
14. gone on a blind date - yes
15. lied to a friend - yes
16. had a crush on a teacher- no
18. seen someone die - yes
19. been on a plane - yes
20. thrown up in a bar - no (does the Denny's right next to the bar count?)
22. miss someone right now - yes
23. laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by - no
24. made a snow angel - yes
25. played dress up - yes
26. cheated while playing a game - yes
27. been lonely - yes
28. fallen asleep at work/school - yes
29. used a fake id - no
30. felt an earthquake - yes
31. touched a snake - yes
32. run a red light - yes
33. had detention - no
34. been in a car accident - yes
35. hated the way you look - yes
37. been lost - yes
38. been to the opposite side of the country - yes
39. felt like dying - yes
40. cried yourself to sleep - yes
41. played cops and robbers - yes
42. karaoke - yes
43. done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yes
44. laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose- yes (blue curacao hurts!)
45. caught a snowflake on your tongue - no
46. kissed in the rain - yes
47. sang in the shower - yes
48. made love in a park - yes
49. had a dream that you married someone - yes
50. glued your hand to something - no (but I have glued two fingers together)
51. got your tongue stuck to a flag pole - no
52. worn the opposite sex's clothes - yes, and thank goodness I'm a girl!
53. Been a cheerleader - no
54. sat on a roof top - yes
55. talked on the phone all night - yes
56. ever too scared to watch scary movies alone - yes
57. played chicken fight - no
58. been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on - yes
59. been told you're hot by a complete stranger - yes
60. broken a bone - yes
61. had a 3-some? - no
62. dipped snuff? - no
63. lived overseas - no (ok, technically yes, but I'm trying to forget!)
64. ever passed out/fainted? - yes
65. blown bubbles in the wintertime - no
66. driven cross country? - no, but I'm going to next year!

If you copy this for your blog, add another question to the end (and leave a comment- I'd like to see yours!)

Friday, October 21, 2005

Blink meets Buffy

April said, "And - random question - but where does your blog name come from? I've got a Blink 182 song stuck in my head now (Don't Leave Me)."

I landed on OMWF because it fit me. I'm starting over, and I hope this time I can be myself, let more out, and not be so closed off. This time I'm going to get it right.

The wording came from Buffy the Vampire Slayer ("Tabula Rasa" was taken and "Crazy Troll Logic" wasn't quite right) but it also feels like a drama thing and I Image hosted by theatre!

In the last couple months, I'd hear music and create related posts in my head. So if it looks like now (or in the future) that a lot of my post titles are song titles/lyrics, well, they probably are.

On another note, when I was a pre-k teacher I had a little girl who could sing all the words to "All the Small Things." I routinely rewarded her for performing this show for other teachers. Great fun! In addition to Blink-182, she also knew selections from Tim McGraw, Faith Hill, Madonna, and a variety of other artists.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Loser Day

Today I'm having a Loser Day.
I'm tired of feeling like a broken person.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


The timing of the new blog was due partly to the other big move in my future. We're moooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvving! Yippee! It won't be until next spring, but we're still very excited. Nearly every day we have a conversation about "when we leave here, we can..." or, "just think, in NewCity we'll have/do/be..."

I LOVE that I have something to look forward to again. The idea of a fresh start is thrilling and we just can't wait. One of the things I look forward to the most is that in NewCity I ought to be able to see a real doctor!

I haven't yet decided if I am going to yap about NewCity on here. I'm tempted, because you never know when a reader has something interesting or helpful to contribute, but I'm leery about putting too much out there. Stay tuned to see what wins out!

Oh, and WOO-HOO! We're MOVING! (you know, in case you missed that part.)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

home, part 1

I'm very jealous of my husband. His parents are married and have been for his whole life. To each other! They moved a couple times when he was little, but they've been in the same house for at least 25 years. When he thinks of home, his images are very clear. His world is very safe and secure. Although he and his siblings have mostly moved on in life, nothing major has changed at all. He has a home.

To be clear, I know that my home is with my husband and that his is with me. I guess what I'm talking about is more than I can find the right word for. It's a feeling.

My mom divorced my bio father (with exceptionally good reasons) early in my life. I wish I never knew him.

As a divorced kid, I never felt like I had a home. There was mom's house and dad's house, complete with stepparents, but neither was really my house. We moved a lot. I've had lots and lots of houses (the average American makes 11 moves in his lifetime. I'm already above average!) My sense of "home" has always been with my mom, regardless of the structure she lived in.

She remarried when I was a preteen, and although I was a snot to him at first, I too fell in love with my stepdad (not that kind of love, pervs.) He was an awesome guy. He's a one of a kind, quirky, interesting, and he became my dad. He would talk to me like an adult and ask me what I thought about things and really listen to me. He walked me down the aisle at my wedding. Sometimes my mom will tell me that something I do or say is just like him. No genetic contribution necessary.

It really hurt me when I found out they were getting divorced. Even though I was already married myself, I felt like my world was being ripped apart and nothing was stable or sure. I felt betrayed (they waited through a couple important events in my life to tell me) and lost. It's tough when you're an adult and your parents get divorced.

Mom moved after the divorce (after my dad moved out,) and as I became familiar with her new house (and seeing her in it) I became more secure. I felt better, like she was going to be ok, and so was I. I don't get to see her as often as I'd like, but I eventually adjusted.

Now, my mom is getting remarried. And I don't like it. I feel like a selfish baby, but I just don't like it. I absolutely want her to be happy. It has nothing to do with the guy (although he has a kid, and I feel a little bit like she's getting herself a new family while I live away.) He sounds like a nice enough guy, his family likes my mom (well, who wouldn't? She's wonderful!) and my grandparents like him (you gotta convince grandpa because he's very protective of his girls.)

I feel like my home is being taken away. And no one understands. It could be my fault; maybe I just suck at explaining this, but it feels very lonely.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Haha, like an infertile with a big ole cyst or effed up numbers, Inconceivable was cancelled.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Too much time to think

I think the woman I met over the weekend who I thought was "like me" may not be after all. P and I were discussing it and there are some clues that she may be pregnant.

Before we had this realization, P was asking if I'd like to hang out with them more. I was hesitant, and for no particular reason I wanted to say no. I played ambivalent and never really gave an answer, and I think the reason is that I didn't want to be let down. I didn't want to make another new friend who would move away and stop calling. I didn't want to try to fit into a world where I didn't belong. When my friends have gotten pregnant, it's been different. I knew them before, so we had something in common already. We already had a bond and didn't need to form one over my scar tissue of heartache.

When did this happen to me? When did I become afraid to make friends?

Oh yeah. I remember. It's when my body turned against me and began messing with my mind.

I don't avoid pregnant people. I don't avoid babies or children. This girl went from a (supposed) infertile to a (possibly) pregnant person and more than anything, I feel numb about it. It's just another disappointment.

(Yes, I recognize that this has all happened in my head and she may very well just be your average person with no fertility issues who may or may not be pregnant and I could very well be letting my imagination run wild. At least P's imagination has joined mine!)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Dragonfruit, or "Look at the pretty colors!"

I really liked the Capri-Sun Big Pouch, "Dragonfruit" flavor. I had never heard of a dragonfruit, but I assumed it was some sort of made-up name like "mountain cooler" or something, and that the name didn't really reflect the origins of the juice.

I was wrong! I saw one in the store the other day and it was so interesting looking.

This is a dragonfruit:

The outside feels smooth and rubbery, and has those freaky-looking green flaps all around it. They're smooth too, although the fruit is firm (not mushy) to the touch.

This is what it looks like on the inside:

I love the vibrant purple color, and I found myself staring at the pretty fruit!

It was easy to slice through because the center is the consistency of a kiwi. It feels sort of grainy, but in a smooth way. There are tons of seeds, which bother me because I hate eating seeds. Although I was reluctant to dig into it because it was so pretty, P and I had a taste. He thought it was awful and said it tasted like flowers (dandelions, to be exact) and that was the end of that (and in my head, I immediately thought that he would not make it on Lost. As if that has any relevance to anything.) I wasn't quite as sure. It took me several bites to determine that I didn't really like the taste either. I did not taste flowers, but I do have that seed problem. It was not at all as flavorful as a Capri-Sun. Maybe if it was refrigerated. And in a pouch. With added flavors and sugar and whatever else they put in those.

I'm glad I bought it though, because that was the most fun I've ever had cutting a piece of fruit in half!

Monday, October 10, 2005

If you're sad...

...then it's time you spoke up too!

Part of my goal in picking up and moving here was to re-gain my anonymity. I read other blogs and it seems as though people are able/willing to share so much of themselves, and I've never felt that way. Ranting was fine, but real feelings? Almost, but not quite. I think that by using my real name I was always just a little afraid to be me out loud (and with good reason, I've been "found" both on the internet and in life when I didn't want to be. Paranoid? Yep.)

So. Here are my two main goals:

1. participate more with others


2. allow myself to have feelings (and share them)


Last night I was watching Grey's Anatomy and I couldn't stop crying. There was a tiny drug-addicted baby that was abandoned in the hospital by her mother and she probably wasn't going to live. Life.Is.UnFuckingFair. I'm kinda glad that Sandra Oh's character had an ectopic so they didn't have to do the abortion storyline.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Someone like me

This weekend P and I went to a work function (his) and I think I met another infertility patient. We didn't get into specifics, but I'm fairly sure that we've had the same experience with the same ClinicFromHell and its leader, Satan. She seemed to know exactly what I was talking about on several specific points, but neither of us gave up the whole truth. Her husband had a pinched, slightly agitated look on his face while we were talking and I felt bad for him. (Assuming my infertile-radar is accurate, of course,) I know IF can be a whole 'nother kind of hard for men. In a place with many kids (though thankfully, very few tiny children/babies) we huddled together in one corner. Of course, it could all be in my head and she's just a nice lady who's had bad doctor luck. Either way, it made me feel less lonely for one day, and that's something.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

As heard on...

...Dharma & Greg:

Greg: I don't wanna feel sad.

Dharma: Well, nobody does, that's why there's drugs, alcohol, war, divorce, catalogs, plastic surgery, and pudding!

Makes sense. I had a pudding this morning, and I feel just fine.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Tabula Rasa

So I was all ready to pack my bags and move to BlogSpirit. I actually did set up a shiny new blog and make a couple posts. They have some really nifty features over there that aren't offered an any other free blog that I could find (lists, categories, trackback, password protection, photo albums, etc) and I was very easily swayed. Oh, and their basic templates are better and you can insert photos and sound directly to the blog (no additional host.) And I got the address I wanted.

Well, what the hell am I doing here then?

Excellent question. I'm here because they have space limitations and even though I could get all those cool features for free, I didn't want to deal with running out of space/bandwidth and have to dump posts or learn worry about how to resolve those issues. And I just can't justify paying for TypePad.

Welcome back to Blogger, you cheap bitch