Friday, March 16, 2007

This week: (so far, so good)

Hurdle #1: The beta came back positive as expected. (After a week's worth of positive hpts, I was feeling a bit cocky about it at my blood draw - so glad the fates didn't decide to screw with me.)

Hurdle #2: It doubled appropriately.

Hurdle #3: I went in for my first ultrasound. I saw a tiny sac squarely in the ute, just where it was supposed to be.

I can scarcely believe it.


Irish Girl said...



How was it? Fabulous? Of course it was! Give us more, my friend. More, please!

Anonymous said...

That is SO nice to hear. I'm so happy that you can't have beer today!

LJ said...


Tiff said...

Keep the good news coming....

Sarah said...

thanks so much for your comment on my blog, and congratulations to you too!!! i look forward to checking back in with you.

Anns said...

congratulations! I've just found your blog tonight but am elated to see that I've stumbled in right in time for the good news! Good luck and I'll keep an eye on you..
