Monday, November 27, 2006

ask away

Glad I can be of help on the lap stuff.

I wish more doctors listened to their patients when they asked questions about symptoms or procedures. It makes me a little sick to think that I could have had this taken care of THREE YEARS AGO if someone would have just listened to me. I could have avoided much pain, wondering, and wasted time if only...

But it's donenow , and as the recovery period passes I find myself even more glad to have done it. I've found more info on exactly how endo on your ovaries is a problem and hopefully having it removed will be all it takes for us.


Irish Girl said...

Exactly! Hoping for you here too ... that this will be *all it takes* for you.

I have heard so many stories like yours. When the time is right I think I'll investigate my own issue further. Thank siyou for sharing your insight.

raw said...

Isn't it nice to get answers?? I am glad to know it was what you suspected and hope that this resolves (or at least is a huge step in the right direction for) your fertility challenges. Take care.

twirl said...

thanks guys. I'm really trying not to get my hopes up, but it does feel like a step in the right direction.