Saturday, February 25, 2006

Busy, Part 2

An adoption situation came up about a month ago that made us re-think precisely how we want to pursue becoming parents. Unfortunately, after completely re-evaluating our situation and deciding to take a chance on something we wouldn’t have considered before, the situation became unavailable. I am a little surprised at how disappointed I was. I knew it was a long shot, but once someone tells you that you may be a parent, it would seem that logic and good reasoning take a backseat to your heart. Or at least that’s how it felt.

So we talked. And talked. And P came to the conclusion that he’d had enough talk. With the move coming up we aren’t really in a position to act on any plan we settle on, so he’d just as soon not discuss it at all. I think he’s tired of feeling helpless. So we’ve been largely baby-discussion-free the whole month of February. No fertility stuff, no adoption questions, nothing. Damn, that was hard. But I think I understand where he’s coming from, and I’m glad I could grant him that break.

Then my verybestfriend had her third child. Second since P and I have been trying.

I just couldn’t write about it all then.

Some way or another, we better be in a different place soon.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Busy, Part 1

Moving is a huge pain in the ass, that’s a given.

1. You should know that there are several people who have been cursed. If you set up an appointment to see my house and didn’t show up there’s a good chance you’re on the list. If you did this to me two days in a row, you can be sure of it.

2. MORON. You who asked me if I was taking the cats with me. Yes, you. You’re a flippin’ moron. Yeah, the cats come with the house. They catch lizards, so that makes them practically appliances. You didn’t drive here, did you?

3. My dear boys, I am so sorry that I have allowed the endless parade of strangers into your home. You’ve been scared, I know, and I’m especially sorry that you were discovered in your behind-the-shower-curtain hiding spot. That must’ve been frightening. Don’t worry, I took care of that bitch for you. Unfortunately, the move is going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better. Really, really sorry.


We’re under contract now and some poor schlep is going to buy our house with our asshole neighbors and the dogs and the kid that never stops screaming. Hope they like it.

I am delighted that all our hard work paid off though, as one of the things they said they liked about our house in particular is that it is so clean and well taken care of! I may be obsessive, but it got us a damn good offer.

Hope their financing comes through…